Hillians Bricks was set up in June 2020 and is an online Lego Parts & Minifigure store. We sell our parts through platforms such as BrickLink & BrickOwl. Our minifigures were originally sold solely on Ebay. 

We launched this website to provide a more valuable proposition to our customers to our listings on Ebay. Ebay typically charges 10% fees and we would rather provide a better price to our customers. All the listings in our Minifigure Shop will be at a lower price than the prices we list at on Ebay. 

Prices include UK shipping & Paypal fees – Intl shipping also available.

We also have an active Youtube channel with the same name and we encourage you follow us to be kept up to date with all the greatest Lego Deals / Lego Hauls & Free giveaway competitions.


The Joker – Super Heroes – SH590

Lego Minifigures Harry Potter HP236 - Centaur

Centaur – Harry Potter – HP236


Tempo – The Lego Movie – TLM122
